
Comprehensive Bullying
Prevention Programming

Reduce Aggression & Raise Resilience

If your school is serious about reducing aggression and bullying reports, you’re likely seeking a comprehensive program. Unlike many youth speakers that offer a one-and-done presentation, Jeff often works with the same schools for 2-3 years in a row. This reinforces skills to maximize effectiveness, with measurable results. Each year, Jeff’s training dives deeper into the content. 

By the end of 3-4 years, you can see a cultural shift, have a new student body, and can start again. Alternatively, you can use the resources and training provided and implement on your own. All training is based on your school’s specific needs. We gather this data via a Pre/Post Aggression Assessment, which measures socio-emotional resilience and mental health risks.

If you are applying for a grant or federal funding, it is often best to present a multi-year initiative or program. This demonstrates commitment and consistency verses a one-off event. Our Aggression Assessment will measure and effectiveness. This makes securing funding much easier.

Description of multi-year programming with Jeff Veley

I have spent my career researching anti-bullying programs and never found one that offered a solution. This one does! Jeff’s is the most practical and helpful that I have encountered.

Dr. Brian Hazeltine

Superintendent, Algoma Schools


Learn more about bringing Jeff’s comprehensive program to your organization.