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I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of my dearest friends, Yohan Daza, recently to join his new podcast.  “Find Your Reason to Live” takes a positive approach to the suicide problem and inspires those searching for hope by sharing stories of others that have overcome.  At the same time it addresses key issues, such as depression, bullying, and coping with adversity through resilience.

The podcast comes after Yohan, an artist and activist, shared his art piece “Seven Reasons to Live” in ArtPrize, the world’s largest international art festival.  It was his way of responding to the popular TV series “13 Reasons Why”, which was scrutinized for it’s depiction of suicide.

Please take a moment to listen to this segment on “How to Respond to Social Aggression” and check out the excellent work that he’s doing to draw attention to this issue and discuss solutions.  I truly believe this podcast will help shine a light in dark places and helping encourage those in search of meaning and peace.